So here is the latest news. We do in fact have a new judge and actually a new court! I can't express how grateful we are to our wonderful Lord for that piece being put together.
With the new court comes the fact that we will have to update most of our Dossier papers. This means new referrals, medical letters, child letters, tax docs, ect... I am still in a little shock from this discovery because it is overwhelming to think we have to piece together all that paperwork again!
The good news is once we update it all and send it to the lawyer we should get a court date. Now I know this is good news but it is also a step back into the process which is frusterating but I am holding onto faith that God is knitting this into His perfect plan, not mine.
I just want to bring her home...And we will do whatever it takes to get closer to that point.
Please pray for patience for us and Haddie. Also please pray for our fundraising. We are trying to raise the money it will take to travel to pick her up.