We are still trying to raise money for our upcoming trip so if you know anyone who would like to donate to a wonderful cause please send them a link to this blog or a link to our youcare page which is on the right side of this page.
As for how we are doing with all of these changes in life. God is holding us together. I am feeling much better after getting off a biologic medication, it was slowly poisioning my body, the kids are doing awesome I am homeschooling them and we still don't know where we are moving in a month but really I am not worried about it. We would just like to recieve that much anticipated call that we are ready to go get Haddie. The rest will fall into place as the time comes.
What God has shown us in the last month... That He has a reason for everything (if we would have gone to India recently I would have been very sick there); that He can bring us through a lot of change in a short time; that He is ever present in our lives even when we can't understand why things happen the way they do.
Please continue to pray for Haddie's homecoming and the hearts of our children to adjust well when she gets here. Thank you for reading our blog and please continue to share it.
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