Thursday, April 14, 2016

Took 3 years, but....

 So we did something yesterday that took us three years to do; we sent a box to Haddie.  I know some may think why did it take you so long to do this, well there is no guarantee that this will even get to her.  But our agency encouraged us to send something so we did it and oh how exciting it was to do so.  I even attempted to write in Telugu on each different piece in the box.  The most special part of the package was the picture book which was filled of pictures of us and explanations of who we are and how loved she is by us.  Translated of course in the book with the help of google translate.  So please be praying it reaches her safely and all together.

        In other news....our case is having some slow movement which is so much better then no movement.  We are right now waiting for the judge to approve our petition which when he does we will sign and give it back to the lawyer who will then use it go get our court date.  Now the court date is our 'go get em' moment.  Once we have that we have our girl baby (Indian term :-).
       Now after four years of being in the process you would think I am bitter and close to insanity; well everytime I start to get to that point God shows me a glimpse of hope.  In the last month He has used someone in Hyderabad to show us more about our Haddie girl then we have ever known.  We have even recieved new pictures and so many insights into her personality.  This gives us strength and determination to fight harder to bring her home.  Or to sit back and watch how our Father will work it all out; because honestly it is so out of our control and only He can work it all out.
       Please pray that the judge find favor in our adoption so this ending process can go smoothly and quickly.  Pray for protection, good health, and Haddie's heart as there are so many changes taking place in her life with anticipation of her coming home.  And please pray for our hearts and health as we near the conclusion of this long adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I love your box and am so excited for each step closer to her coming home... :)
