Sunday, June 5, 2016

Summer's storms

Living in the Phoenix area we do not see much rain during the year.  The rest of Arizona though gets plenty of rain especially during the summer monsoons; which is my favorite time of the year because I love the fierceness and majesty that happens when the clouds roll in.  It reminds me God's majesty and His massive power.  India's monsoons come at the same time they do in Arizona.  They experience the extreme heat of the sun and the refreshing rain that comes in the afternoon.  The release that the rain provides is so powerful.

Throughout the past four years of our journey to bring Haddie home our process has felt like a long hot day, waiting for that afternoon rain.  I know the rain is coming but I am so weary.  I want so badly to hold our daughter and bring her home.  We have known she is ours for three years now and we are still apart.  I am praying for the rain as I sit in the house because the heat is at 115.  Lord let it rain!  Reign down on our process so we can bring our girl home.  Reign down on the judge and the court so we can get there before the monsoons end.  Reign down on our little girl as she gets closer to a huge life change.  Reign down Lord!!!

Pray this with us please.  We are having some issues with USCIS right now and getting our information updated with our move last year and our change of local agencies.  Please pray the Lord provides the funding and the mental and emotional stamina we need to make it to the rain of our process.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, friend. May God reign down in every way!
