There is no way to fully prepare for an adoption. You can read all kinds of book, go to many seminars, talk to those who have gone before you and even have gone through it already; but nothing will ever prepare you for an adoption. It takes walking through it first hand to really understand and even if you have one or two under your belt each child is so different and they carry their own baggage like we all do. This fact is something we are finding out today.
Haddie woke up crying once she saw us. Not sure if she thought it was all a dream and then realized we were still there and she was not with her friends or what but she was mourning and didn't want to have anything to do with me. Andrew has been her comfort and the one she turns too for guidance and love. Amazing man my husband is, I don't blame her. I have read that this is normal and of course that didn't prepare me for the emotional blow to a mamas ego. But she soon got over her mourning and started testing her boundaries. She began walking away but making sure we were still looking and still there, she would throw things just to see our reaction, she would shake her head no when she wanted to do something that was not safe for her, and so many things you see a toddler do. Andrew and I had quite the awaking today. She really gave us a run for our money even with four kids under our belt we have become selfish again and got a quick lesson in selflessness that is needed with younger children. We are getting old, lol.
So another piece of our story we had today. Oh and she prayed with us today during lunch!!! Which was simply amazing. I can not wait till she knows Her wonderful Father in heaven. Please continue praying for our written orders, we should be getting them tomorrow. Then off to get the passport.
Haddie woke up crying once she saw us. Not sure if she thought it was all a dream and then realized we were still there and she was not with her friends or what but she was mourning and didn't want to have anything to do with me. Andrew has been her comfort and the one she turns too for guidance and love. Amazing man my husband is, I don't blame her. I have read that this is normal and of course that didn't prepare me for the emotional blow to a mamas ego. But she soon got over her mourning and started testing her boundaries. She began walking away but making sure we were still looking and still there, she would throw things just to see our reaction, she would shake her head no when she wanted to do something that was not safe for her, and so many things you see a toddler do. Andrew and I had quite the awaking today. She really gave us a run for our money even with four kids under our belt we have become selfish again and got a quick lesson in selflessness that is needed with younger children. We are getting old, lol.
So another piece of our story we had today. Oh and she prayed with us today during lunch!!! Which was simply amazing. I can not wait till she knows Her wonderful Father in heaven. Please continue praying for our written orders, we should be getting them tomorrow. Then off to get the passport.
Sarai trying to get Haddie to smile this morning! Oh I miss our kiddos at home!!
Sending up prayers right now for it all!! :)