Sunday, March 29, 2015

Please, Please, Please

We recently sent a heart filled letter to the director of CARA, the minister of Child welfare of India, and the Ripa.  Requesting that they hear our case and make some progress on our adoption.  The Monday following we heard back from CARA that they are looking into it.  We also found out that the Ripa heard from CARA and were being encouraged to speed things along.  That being said we have yet to hear anything after that.  But please pray they take this to heart and allow us to come and pick her up.

 We are ready and her bag is still packed.  I did have to go and give away some of the smaller clothing that I had packed in there for her last year and then go and get her some new ones.  Every time I do that I imagine putting those little clothes on her little body.  How I long to hold her little hand and enjoy this life God has given us.  We have already missed 6 years!  I pray we don't have to miss much more.

Please keep her in your prayers.  And if God leads you please donate to our Haddie fund.  We are going to have to purchase business class tickets in order to get there without to many health complications.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Birthday baby girl!

So Haddie's birthday is coming up next month on the 19th.  This will be the third birthday we have missed.  As my heart breaks for her and for us I want to write this birthday wish to her so she can someday look at it an know she is so much loved and we are fighting to get to her as soon as possible.

Dear daughter,
    As I sit here thinking about your almost six years of life away from me, your mama, it breaks my heart.  I didn't get to see your first steps, hear your first words, hold you when you got your first boo boo, give you your first hair cut, hold you when you had a bad dream, and all the other milestones of life; and I will miss your sixth birthday.
    But know this baby girl you are my daughter and your daddy and I love you to no end.  We think of you constantly and pray that tomorrow will be the day we get the call to come and get you.  You are loved so much Haddie Bharathi Moore!  I can't wait to hold you when you cry, play with you, teach you, hear your first english words, see your smiling face every morning, see you play with your sister and brothers, see you grow in our God, and everything else that your future holds.
     I dream of you a lot.  In my dreams I am meeting you for the first time inside the orphanage.  I get to hold you and see your beautiful face.  These dreams feel so real and I get to touch your face.  God gives me these dreams when I am low on hope.  He gives me just a little glimpse of our future together.  I pray He too gives you these dreams.  Hold tight little one we are coming for you.  Allow Jesus to hold you as I can't right now.  And know we are waiting for you.

 Happy Birthday sweet girl.

Forever your mama,