Monday, October 26, 2015

Blessings from above...a letter to my daughter

To my daughter Hadassah,
              Well we are now in October of 2015 and you are still in India.  You are probably wondering why these other mama's keep taking pictures of you but leave with your friends instead of you.  Well they have been a blessing to your dad and I because they send us pictures and updates on you.  As we watch you grow from afar we are blessed with these updates and little glimpses of hope that come with them.
  Haddie I want you to know how loved you are and have been throughout time.  Not only by your dad and I but also by our Lord.  He has moved so many mountains to get us where we are in our fight to get you home.  He is now molding our hearts together and getting us ready for eachother.  Please know that we think about you every day, pray for you constantly and do all we can to push to get our day in court so we can hold your little hand and bring you HOME.
     Not only are we working to get you home but there are so many other people who are helping us in our quest.  These people have given thier time, money and prayers to help get you home.  Can you believe that?  You are so loved by so many and you may not even know it yet.  Here are just a few faces of those who have helped in our journey...  love, your mama

Thank you to those helping us through this journey.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The result of praying for patience...

Can't remember who it was, but I once was told never to pray for patience; why well I am finding out now :-) .
     First let me thank all of you who purchased art from our auction we raised over a $1000!!!!  I hope you are enjoying the fruits of that auction and that you pray for Haddie every time you look at them.  Also we have wonderful friends who are hosting a jewelry fundraiser for us this coming weekend.  If you can't make it here is the website to purchase a nice little christmas present for and help us reach our goal for bringing Haddie home (

Now back to patience...Well I did pray for patience for many years and now I continue to pray for more patience and am learning it.  We found out last week that we are now waiting on our second NOC to be issued which will then be followed by a court date.  So we now have done two dossiers, 4 different i800 renewals (with some moves in there), two NOC's and countless other random papers.

Where is God in all this mess?  He is everywhere!  Little did we know the last judge refused our adoption outright.  We just thought he didn't want to deal with our case, but no he refused to even rule on it.  So God literally moved mountains by splitting the state which in turn got us a new judge and a lawyer who will fight to get us our day in court.   God is so faithful!  He has even made it possible for us to get multiple pictures and updates through the wonderful families that visit the orphanage to pick up their girls.  So we have been able to see Haddie grow through others pictures and encounters with her.  We are truly grateful for this, but pray we can be the one's meeting and holding her next.  But God's will be done and in His time.

Please continue to pray for our adoption and please continue to pray for our preparing time as I call it.