Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Strongholds are dropping like flies....

We have had our moments but for the most part Haddie has been growing and opening up to us in the past few weeks.  Every day is progress and everyday she lets the wall down a little at a time.   She has given us glimpses into her life of strongholds or places in what she has learned to fear until she doesn't have any control over her responses.   One of these is her fear of reptiles; toy or real her response consisted of crying, running, screaming, heart rate went up, pure uncontrollable fear.  This breaks my heart to see such fear of something that seems so simple to me.  But she had a pure, true fear.  I say had because each day we took one step, one touch, and one experience closer until she got to a point where she ended up playing with them and enjoying it.  She also greatly feared our family dog.  This one took a few more weeks to work through again one touch, one step, and one experience to the point where she can now touch him and stand there with less fear and even enjoys his kisses.

Her fear of things reminds me of the promise from the Lord that we do not have to fear because He has us.  She has yet to truly learn about Jesus because of the language barrier but we pray over her and sing to her about His love, mercy and protection so that she can grow in her knowledge and walk towards Him.  

We had our first complete family pictures taken a couple weeks ago.  This was such a wonderful experience and Haddie loves pictures!  The new things she has learned are cutting, showering, playing, controlling herself in bed, going to sleep on her own, English words like love, please, thank you, stop,  names of her siblings, and many others.  Her favorite things to do are spending time with daddy, soccer, running, eating, anything with her siblings, cuddling and sleeping in the same room as Sarai.  

Your continued prayers are so appricated and needed.  She has yet to gain weight and we found out she has asthma and is very allergic to milk.  She is however very happy and overall very healthy!  Praise the Lord!

Friday, November 4, 2016


We have hit the month point since Haddie has been home, over a month since she has been our daughter legally.  It has been quite the month full of adjustments, tears, smiles, laughes, firsts, sleepless nights, full hearts and so much joy!  Honestly no book could prepare us for this experience it is full of surprises and twists.  Haddie is adjusting very well as long as her siblings are around she is a happy little girl.  She is learning how to play, how to sit and look at a book, how to eat by herself, how to dress herself, how to bathe herself, and how to love.  We tell her all the time in Telegu how we love her but she has never responded to the words we say.  I honestly don't think she has ever heard it before.  So we now tell her we love her and she will randomly tells us "Mama I luv boo".  She goes through the line of siblings and daddy of course.  But she is learning love as she starts to blossom into a happy little girl instead of the scared, sad little girl we met the first day.

She gets scared and very sad when Noah, Eli, Gideon and Sarai are at practices and she is left home with me.  She misses them and part of me wonders if she thinks they will not come back.  So when they do walk in her smile brightens and she runs to daddy's arms and jumps right in.  She is adjusting well outside the house and in public places.  She no longer walks up to strangers and stays by us instead.  She has learned many english words and understands more then half of what we are saying when we add hand gestures.

Our first post-adoption home study went well Haddie knew our social worker was there about her so she stuck close and tried to impress her.  Can't wait till Haddie feels safe and secure enough to not feel like that.  God is so good to us and has supplied us with what we need in the past month patience, love, rest, friends, encouragement and understanding throughout the time.

                                              One of our weekly dance parties 😜

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement we need it.